November 24, 2014
Of the 244 parishes of our dataset, the majority either manage their own Catholic schools or contribute students and funding to a regional school. For these parishes, covering the expense of the schools—some of which deal with declining enrollment ...
July 9, 2014
A Look at Stewardship: a New Study from Notre Dame
Among pastors’ sources of stress, little comes close to financial concerns. This is what keeps pastors—even the most skilled—up at night. Running a large physical plant and compensating staff requires a substantial budget, and Catholic...
June 30, 2014
What Does Discipleship Mean, Anyway?: Making Clear Distinctions and a Clear Vocabulary
One of the early steps in the analysis of our nearly 250(!) interviews has been to separately define the oft-overlapping concepts of Discipleship, Evangelization, Stewardship, and Engagement. In each interview, the pas...