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New Ideas

November 24, 2014

Paying for the Parish School

Of the 244 parishes of our dataset, the majority either manage their own Catholic schools or contribute students and funding to a regional school. For these parishes, covering the expense of the schools—some of which deal with declining enrollment ...


July 9, 2014

A Look at Stewardship: a New Study from Notre Dame

Among pastors’ sources of stress, little comes close to financial concerns. This is what keeps pastors—even the most skilled—up at night. Running a large physical plant and compensating staff requires a substantial budget, and Catholic...


June 30, 2014

What Does Discipleship Mean, Anyway?: Making Clear Distinctions and a Clear Vocabulary

One of the early steps in the analysis of our nearly 250(!) interviews has been to separately define the oft-overlapping concepts of Discipleship, Evangelization, Stewardship, and Engagement. In each interview, the pas...