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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 20, 2018

Dear Friend of Parish Catalyst,

Merry Christmas!

This Christmas we are especially grateful and want to thank you for partnering with us during our first six years. In whatever way you have participated in our work, we are profoundly grateful for your involvement, trust and support.

Although 2018 has been an incredibly difficult season for the Church, I want to share some good news with you to close out the year! New research and feedback from our participant parishes has confirmed that Parish Catalyst is providing exactly what our beloved Church is searching for today – a process that yields systemic changes in patterns of thinking and bold decision-making among parish leaders. Through Parish Catalyst we have seen significant fruit in the parishes we serve, as Pastors and lay leaders work together to bring change. Your gifts made this possible.



“Parish Catalyst has helped us re-define and deepen our parish’s mission and identity as a parish for the 21st century. The unique process of gathering with clergy and lay leaders from parishes across the country helped us discover new strategies for approaching ministry.” – Father Jack Ledwon

“Father and his team came back two weeks ago with fresh confidence that was evident at our parish wide leadership meetings. Bravo, Parish Catalyst, for your vision!” – Parishioner of a Learning Community Parish


Here are a few of our most significant accomplishments this past year:

  • We convened six Learning Community sessions whose parishes serve a total of 383,110 souls.
  • We facilitated 17 on-site workshops to help parish teams accelerate their strategies in their own settings.
  • We launched our webinar series, training hundreds of parish leaders from around the world in hospitality, communications and multi-cultural discipleship.
  • Our book Great Catholic Parishes was translated into Spanish, creating new opportunities to help parishes throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

The coming year promises continued impact. A new Learning Community is launching in April. We are broadening our popular webinar series – adding 10 new webinars next year. We are also eager to expand one of our more recent focuses – working with multi-cultural parishes. But to do this, we need your help.

As you evaluate your year-end giving options, will you consider an investment in building great Catholic parishes? You can be a part of this movement that is transforming parishes across America. We hope you will join us in this rewarding endeavor! Please visit to make your contribution, or send a check to Parish Catalyst, 11100 Santa Monica Blvd. Ste 1910 Los Angeles, CA 90025. Feel free to give us a call at 310-500-4283. We would love to hear from you.

I speak for the whole Parish Catalyst team when I say thank you in advance for your support. We wish you and yours a blessed Christmas and new year filled with the joy of the living Christ.


Bill Simon,
Founder, Parish Catalyst

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