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Felipe "Flip" Sanchez

Executive Director

A lifelong Catholic, Flip, experienced the Church in a life-changing way when he joined Saint Monica Catholic Community in Santa Monica, CA.  Prior to joining the team, Flip worked in the hospitality industry for 15 years and was drawn to the extraordinary hospitality he felt at St. Monica’s.

Flip has been a member of the Parish Council at Saint Monica’s for the last 5 years where he now serves as the Parish Council Chairman. He also helps coordinate and facilitate retreats and small groups for the men of the community as well as serving in the hospitality ministry where he is able to share his passion for extraordinary hospitality with others.

“So much of what I have in my life is a direct result of the experience I have had in my Parish.  I have experienced community, friendship, and growth. I even met my wife in my Parish!  I am grateful for the opportunity to bring my experience to other Parishes through Parish Catalyst.”

Flip met his wife, Debora, at Saint Monica’s and they were married there in April of 2017.  In his free time, he loves spending time with his wife and son.  He enjoys the beach, his bicycle, and Dodgers Baseball.